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Please browse through this online shop to see what we have to support your dyslexic and/or dyspraxic child. We have resources to support your child's reading, spelling and writing,  those to support you, the parents, as well as helpful games to play with your children that exercise essential literacy skills.


It is assumed that your child is receiving support from Wealden Learning Support and, therefore, ordered items can be paid for and collected from the company's site at their next appointment.

Reading and spelling resources

Our friendly staff are always happy to help!

Coloured reading overlay    £10 each

For extended reading at home and school for those who experience Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome (SSS).                           Variety of tints and colours.

Linetracker    £3

Helps to improves reading and concentration skills. The arrow indicator promotes left-right orientation and keeps both eyes focused on the requisite line of text, while allowing a partially masked view of adjoining text. Washable, it's 'high tech' appearance makes it acceptable for all ages.

Dyslexia is my Superpower 

(Most of the Time)   £9.50   


First-hand accounts from children and adults revealing their personal tips and tactics for tapping into the benefits of dyslexia, enabling them to thrive in school and beyond. The many success stories are inspirational.

ACE spelling dictionary    £11.50

A comprehensive list of commonly misspelt words and further learning strategies for spelling using vowel sound identification.

High frequency word fan    £2.50

Phase 2-5 words in alphabetical order. Useful to support children with the spelling of common words. 25 words on each petal, 4 petals per fan. 3cm x 16.5cm

The Girl with No Nose   £12   


Interest Age: 8-12. This coming-of-age novella has full-colour artwork, dyslexia-friendly layout, typeface and paperstock.

Alice Peasbody was born with no nose. People laugh and jeer and call her Pancake Face. Even when she is given a prosthetic nose and moves to the big city, she cowers in dark corners. The arrival of good-natured, loving friends helps her accept herself.

The Cooler Ruler      £11

The discreet slider in this ruler allows for a word or line of text to be isolated from its surrounding text enabling those who are easily distracted to concentrate on their reading.

Spellchecker    £25

Highly recommended by Wealden Learning Support, this model is ideal for everyday use in school and at home. Phonetically corrects 180,000  words, includes 6 word games, a user word list and a calculator.

The Castle in the Field   £8   


Interest Age: 8-12. A great countryside tale. Chris, Lisa and Tom spend their days in their secret hide-out in the Castle, an old WWII pill-box. But the landowner hates kids. They are in big trouble when they get locked in and there is no one around for miles... Cream paper and a special, easy-to-read font ensure a smooth read for all.

Writing resources

A4 tinted lined refill pad    £5

Single A4 sized pad of tinted, lined file paper (lined both sides). 50 sheets with margin, lines 8mm apart. Available in 11 pastel colours: aqua, blue, cream, gold, green, lilac, orange, parrot green, pink, turquoise, yellow. Please specify colour when ordering.

Stabilo Easy Original Pen    £8 each

Ergonomically designed for children 6 years and upwards with dyslexia and dyspraxia, the grip area is non slip and features space for a name tag. Refillable. Erasable ink. Please specify colour and whether for left or right-handed use when ordering.

Writing slope    £40

Enables dyspraxic children to write at the optimum 20° angle for good posture. No assembly required. Has a rubber grip to prevent slipping. Extra wide to fit an exercise book. 998g.

L33cm W35cm H12cm

Pencil grips (Pack of 10)    £14.95

An economical and convenient way to try out a range of pencil and pen grips.

The pack contains: 1 x Comfort Pencil Grip, 1 x Ridged Comfort Pencil Grip, 1 x Stubbi Pencil Grip, 1 x Solo Pencil Grip, 1 x Standard Pencil Grip, 1 x Jumbo Pencil / Pen Grip, 1 x Tri-go Pencil Grip, 1 x Airgrip Pencil Grip, 1 x Faber-Castell 2001 Grip HB Pencil, 1 x Faber-Castell Jumbo Grip Pencil

Smart slope   £82

Perfect for older dyspraxic students and adults, this A4 collapsible writing slope can be transported easily in a bag and weighs only 445g. Acrylic and aluminium construction, angle adjusts to 17°, 25° and 33°.

Berol Handwriting Pens

(6 pack - 3 black, 3 blue)   £6   


Ideal for the development of good handwriting styles, writing control and better letter formation. Washable ink.

Resources for parents

Can I tell you about Dyslexia?    £11

Written from a child's perspective, it explains a complex topic in a simple way and gives an accurate overview of the most common symptoms of dyslexia - including the positives. An insightful account of how it feels to have dyslexia, it suggests ways parents can provide appropriate emotional support.

Taking the Hell Out of Homework    £14

Ideas and strategies to help pupils complete homework more easily and with less stress. For parents who want to help their children with homework but are not sure how to do it.                 Simple, effective, easy-to-use strategies for 6 year olds to 16+.

What to do when you can't add and subtract    £15

This carefully explains addition and subtraction, giving clear ideas of how to learn these two core skills and showing how learning addition can help when learning subtraction.

Dyslexia: A Complete Guide for Parents and Those Who

Help Them    £25

Written for parents of dyslexic children and the professionals who work with them, this book provides parents with strategies for dealing with a wide range of concerns including dyspraxia and dyscalculia

Dyslexia and Parents   £20

What is dyslexia and how to identify it. Also how to help your child or teenager with particular focus on study skills, exam support and acquiring skills such as driving in preparation for adult life.

Can I tell you about Dyspraxia?    £11

Written from a child's perspective, it explains a complex topic in a simple way and gives an accurate overview of the most common symptoms of dyspraxia - including the positives. An insightful account of how it feels to have dyspraxia, it suggests ways parents can provide appropriate emotional support.

Coping with Dyspraxia    £12

An explanation of how the condition may affect people and how to cope with it at any stage of life. Topics include: what causes dyspraxia, getting a diagnosis, children at nursery and school, and teenagers and life skills.

What to do when you can't learn the times tables   £15

 This carefully explains how to work out and remember the key facts in learning the times tables. The author shows, through worked examples and clear ideas, how to learn these core skills.

Dyslexia: A parents' guide to dyslexia, dyspraxia and other learning difficulties   £18

This authoritative guide offers practical, easy tips enabling parents to help their child overcome a variety of learning difficulties - dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, dyscalculia and more.

How to Help your Dyslexic and Dyspraxic Child  £18

Gives parents essential advice and practical ways to help their child from understanding and recognising the symptoms to getting support from schools and other networks.

Help! My Child has Dyslexia: 

A Practical Guide for Parents    £16

Full of practical ideas that are not only fun but have been proven to work in helping dyslexic children to overcome the problems that they face. Includes copiable templates, simple games and activities and a substantial section of invaluable resources.

What to do when you can't tell the time    £15

Dyslexic learners often struggle with ideas like quarter to 5, or 20 to 6.  This is a fresh look at how to teach the concept and language of time, offering strategies and ideas to raise children's confidence in working with time.

What to do when you can't do fractions, decimals and percentages    £15

Dyslexic (and sometimes dyspraxic) pupils often struggle with how to work out a fraction, a percentage or a decimal number. The author offers strategies and ideas to raise confidence in working with these mathematical skills.

Beating Dyspraxia with a Hop, Skip and a Jump   £18

This practical guide is an essential resource for parents, PE teachers and sports club leaders.

Aiming to improve strength and fitness by improving muscle activation, neural control and overall movement skills, no specialist supervision or equipment is required.

The Dyspraxic Learner:       Strategies for Success   £22

With a wealth of practical strategies for supporting dyspraxics aged from 11 years up to college or university level, this book covers research and study skills, improving memory, literacy, visual and auditory learning styles, dealing with sleeplessness, stress, low self-esteem and anxiety, and preparing for future employment.

Revision resources

CGP KS3 Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar: The Study Guide   £6

 Ideal for helping students (11-14 years) get to grips with every crucial SPaG skill; with summary questions at the end of each section to test themselves.

CGP KS3 Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar: The Workbook   £7

 To accompany the study guide, this workbook is packed with practice questions and the answers are printed at the back so that students can check their own work.

CGP GCSE AQA English Language:

Complete Revision & Practice   £7

 A superb all-in-one guide to success in this exam, with clear study notes and examples that explain every reading and writing skill, warm-up questions, exam-style questions, practice papers and useful advice.

CGP GCSE AQA English Language:

The Workbook   £7

 To accompany the revision and practice guide, the workbook provides further practice in for this important exam.


BrainBox My First Science   £16

Helps improve observation and memory skills, as well as reinforcing science concepts. Can be played  by all ages and in large groups or as a one person game.

BrainBox Roald Dahl   £16

Combining all the fun of BrainBox with Roald Dahl's splendiferous words and Sir Quentin Blake's gloriumptious illustrations makes for a whangdoodle of a game.

Age 7+. Players 1+.

Multiple Meanings Fun Deck   £18

Vibrant illustrations depict how 26 pairs of words that are spelled and sound the same can actually have different meanings. For 7 to 12 years.

6 Spelling Board Games

(Level 4)   £40

Includes: syllables, homophones, prefixes and suffixes, irregular verbs and spelling strategies. Spelling guidance from 2014 English Curriculum.

Suitable for primary school and older pupils and each game can be played by 4 players or teams.

BrainBox Board Game   £30

Roll the die and move around the board collecting BrainBox cards as you go. The first player to collect one from each category and return to the centre is the winner.

Great family game that encourages children's learning.

BrainBox Sport   £16

The 10 minute brain challenge, covering such sports as track cycling to tennis is designed for all sports lovers to improve their knowledge, observation and memory skills about the wonderful world of sport.

Syllabification   £40

This challenging game for up to 6 players helps children understand the meaning of words and the way they are formed using 'chunks' of letters. 7 years to adult. Contains 100 tiles, 6 playing racks and game rules.

Idioms and Similes   £12

Many dyslexic children have difficulty understanding idioms such as 'to burn the candle at both ends'. All the idioms have a picture to help to remember them and a meaning that must be matched in the centre of the board.  For 4 players aged 8 upwards. Forms an essential part of the National Curriculum.

BrainBox Horrible Science

Blood and Guts   £16

Players have 10 seconds to study a fact-packed card before being asked a question from the reverse. Answer correctly and the card is yours.  The player with the most cards after 10 min wins the game!

BrainBox Colour & Create  £16

Children create their own unique BrainBox game. Each card shows a different scene as a line drawing, ready to be coloured in. Some of the questions on the cards will have different answers, depending on the child's choice of colours, and the final question is left for children to write themselves.

Befuzzled   £16

Players take turns flipping over cards which show different shapes. Complete the correct action and you win that card. But watch out - each round shuffles the actions and their matching shapes. Score a point for each card awarded and the player with the most points wins.

Magna Maze   £35

Great for hand-eye coordination, this helps your dyspraxic child practise crossing the midline, speed up mental motor planning and encourages thinking ahead. Guide the balls through the maze using pencils with a magnet in their tip. A clear plastic cover ensures no pieces are lost thus avoiding frustration.

CGP Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar For GCSE: The Workbook   £7

 This CGP Workbook is packed with useful spelling, punctuation and grammar practice for GCSE students - perfect for helping them score the full 5% of SPaG marks in GCSE.

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